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Business presentations are both art and science.

It is Art because it is a product of human creativity; a skill learned by study, practice, and observation. And it is Science because it is a methodological activity, discipline, or study; general truths, laws, or principles; ability to produce solutions.

Studies show that 55% of the impact of a presentation is achieved through the visual elements, which include:  – the look and image projection of the speaker, the quality of the presentation materials, and the use of movement and space.  These elements provide the visual experience to the audience, who in turn react positively or negatively to the presentation. The balance of 45% can be attributed to the vocal and verbal elements. The interplay of these visual, vocal, and verbal elements determines how effective the presenter will be in driving the message.

This workshop will help the speakers in your organization enhance their presentations by improving on the visual, vocal, and verbal elements. The desired outcome is for the speakers to deliver more informative, memorable, and persuasive presentations.

The science aspect of the workshop refers to the data from research that can guide us in developing effective and memorable presentations.

The art aspect refers to the aesthetic principles that enhance and magnify the message to make the presentation a satisfying experience for your audience.

The workshop will include a discussion of theory and principles. It will be interactive with a lot of opportunities for learning, application, practice, and development of new and current skills. The workshop will combine mini-lectures, group activities, practice sessions, evaluations, and other experiential activities designed to transform your employees into power presenters. By the end of the workshop, the learners would have developed the competence and the confidence to deliver powerful presentations.

Objectives of the Workshop

Through this workshop, your organization’s trainers will:

  • build their confidence and competence in public speaking;
  • practice affecting speech delivery by using the 3 V’s: visual, vocal, and verbal components
    • Visual- includes achieving projecting a professional and appealing look, using body language to effectively communicate with the audience, effectively using visual aids;
    • Vocal – achieving vocal variety to deliver a high-impact presentation;
    • Verbal – developing a vocabulary for persuasion;
  • identify and develop strengths, and
  • Discover and work on areas for improvement as a speaker.

If you want this Art and Science of Effective Business Presentations Training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at

Hear what our training participants say about the training and the facilitator:

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