Conversational English Training

Mastering the intricacies of meaningful conversation requires a blend of artistic finesse and refined skills. This Conversational English Training is designed to foster participants’ conversational prowess by seamlessly integrating principles of grammar, style, and structure, equipping them to communicate effectively in everyday business English scenarios.

ExeQserve HR Solutions presents Conversational English Training in Manila, drawing upon its esteemed status as a premier training provider in the Philippines. This workshop will seamlessly merge hands-on experiences, concise lectures, and a diverse array of exercises and drills. Anchored in dynamic interaction, it will serve as an active platform for learners to put into practice the theoretical foundations they acquire. By engaging in mental and physical exercises, quizzes, games, and role-playing, participants will cement their comprehension and revel in a vibrant and stimulating learning milieu.

Workshop Objectives

By the end of the program, the participants will:

  • Know the requirements for meaningful conversation and practice the different levels of communication;
  • Have a vocabulary for clear, concise, and correct conversation;
  • Know the most common mistakes in Conversational English and how to avoid them;
  • Know how to use the different vocal elements to be an effective conversationalist; and
  • Know the common pronunciation mistakes among Filipinos and how to avoid them.


If you want this The Art of Conversational English Training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at

Gege Sugue

About the Course Designer

Gege Sugue is a dedicated course designer with a Master’s degree in Communication from De La Salle University – Manila. With a background spanning Levi Strauss & Co., Motivation Asia, and De La Salle University, Gege’s expertise in Organizational Development, Marketing, and Communication is extensive. As a Senior Consultant at ExeQServe since 2007, Gege’s impact resonates across industries, and her dynamic training style, rooted in her public speaking prowess, empowers learners to enhance their skills, attitudes, and confidence for personal and professional growth.

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