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Performance comes from confidence, confidence come from competence, competence come from repeated performance of desired practices.

Teams succeed because members develop an empowered thinking. That led to creative confidence. This creative confidence helps produce quality collaborations that lead to better systems and processes. The quality of communication helps in clarifying roles, rules and accountabilities. It’s a continuing process of learning that makes teams better.

To address this, ExeQserve, a Philippines-based HR consulting company, designed this Team Learning Workshop. A program that helps team members learn together and build the necessary confidence to work together towards a common goal.

One of the most important tasks of teams is  performance improvement.  It is  a challenge to do this when people feel comfortable with their usual ways of doing things.  In order to combat complacency, teams must decide to put learning as a part of their agenda.

As your organization pursues employee engagement in serving the customers, the need to device a way to get them to participate in continually improving processes and solving simple and complex problem becomes apparent.

ExeQserve consultants offer a solution designed to equip the participants with the right knowledge, skills and attitude for regular learning and improvement. We use highly interactive learning games and team-collaboration theories  to help them see how concepts can be applied to the workplace.  The most important output of the workshop is a brainstorming exercise where team members will address real workplace challenge and come up with recommended strategy.  If the team can implement this strategy, the outcome should be the best payoff for the learning investment


After the session, the participants are expected to;

  • Describe the concept of team learning
  • Appreciate the effect of mindset and empowered thinking in contributing to team learning and performance
  • Describe the necessary skills in promoting generative dialogues
  • Establish norms for team learning
  • Use team learning to agree on new arrangements that will improve team performance.

Check out this discussion during one of our Team Learning Workshop:

If you want this Team-based Learning Workshop for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at

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