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Customers turn to a wide variety of platforms to get in touch with their service provider or the company they purchased a product from.

According to Social strand, 13% of customers contact companies via e-service (web, social, chat), 18% via email, 29% through writing or in person, and 40% of customers prefer to contact a company by phone. Hence, those who field incoming client communication via phone should be equipped with the right amount of knowledge and undergo telephone skills training to effectively handle different situations and provide excellent customer service.

There are only 2 C’s that should happen in a phone call. First is Customer Service. Second is Communication. The absence of nonverbal signals makes communication through phone very challenging for both the customer and the representative. It takes a big amount of mastery of the product and phone handling skills to successfully have both C’s in a call.

Myra Golden, a customer experience designer, mentioned the 4 biggest problems to today’s telephone customer experience: 1. Perception of apathy/rudeness; 2. No acknowledgement of the customer’s problem; 3. No sense of urgency; 4. No personal connection

These four could be addressed by training front liners with soft skills needed such as Rapport Building, Probing, Active Listening, Empathy, Paraphrasing, and Assertiveness. These, together with knowing the phone handling cycle (Opening, Probing, Overcoming Obstacles, Resolution, and Closing) will help the representatives in effectively handling phone conversations with customers.

We at ExeQserve together with our pool of training consultants here in the Philippines will help your company generate successful outcomes with excellent customer service through phone conversations. We are keen to let the participants know that knowledge and skills should go hand in hand with the innate willingness to help others.

Phone Handling Basics

It is an 8hr workshop focused on identifying and practicing the soft skills needed in providing excellent customer service via telephone


  • Identify the 2 C’s in Phone Handling
  • Enumerate the steps Phone Handling Cycle
  • Identify and practice the skills needed in each step
  • Highlight the importance of providing superior customer service through phone conversations
  • Effectively handle phone calls by applying the skills learned through mock calls

If you want this Customer Delight through Phone Conversation Training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at

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