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So many leaders today are not performing at their best because they have not yet embraced a culture of change for themselves—they are now in charge of leading men and women in an organization with very tall ambitions for itself.

Not all the time can we control our external environment, but we can control how we handle the various situations that we face—how we react to them, and how we can take steps to improve the quality of relationships between colleagues and subordinates to manage various possible situations that may come up in the future.

It is now time to step up and take the lead in developing current and/or potential company leaders to discover skills within themselves that they have not tapped yet about how to best handle people. This can be achieved through a better understanding of their potential and the responsibilities that they now have outside of the technical aspects and taking seriously the aspects of their jobs that pertain to people “CARING”, “DEVELOPING” AND “LEADING”.

The workshop Taking the L.E.A.D. via C5 stands for:

Empowerment, and
Advancement for


  • Character is Permanence
  • Competence is Foundational
  • Confidence is Belief in Ourselves
  • Connection is Relationship Building
  • Commitment is being “Pursigido”


By the end of the one whole day session, the participants shall be able to:

  • Discuss dimensions of the leadership role in terms of people handling functions, and responsibilities;
  • Strengthen personal effectiveness by developing a proactive mindset;
  • Strengthen the bondings within their work teams to enhance interpersonal relationships and provide fulfillment despite the demands of work.
  • Own up to the role of being a productive and effective leader valuing his contributions (as well as his subordinates’) to the goals of the organization;
  • Develop the leader’s confidence in himself and in the organization he serves.
  • Figure out how to best connect to others, establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with each other.
  • Make the “C5 Road” work for the leader to maximize the full potential of each of their meanings.

If you want this program for your team, call us at 8459-9603 or email us at

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