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When an employee hears the words Client/Customer Service, there should only be one thought that would come to mind: the Customer is the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON.
But is that what happens? Most often, clients are often regarded as interruptions. Clients then are at a loss for whom to approach, while some do not care. This doesn’t seem right.


This program is called BECOMING A CLIENT CENTRIC CHAMPION through C.A.R.E. and by the end of the seminar, the participants will realize the relevance and rewards that good customer service brings.

By the end of the one day session, the participants shall be able to:

  • Be convinced that they should all think alike, and consider themselves as, Customer Service Representatives because every day, they:
    • deal with customers (whether internal or external), and
    • are representing their institution;
  • Think like a customer also, so they can understand why customers think the way they do and why it can be hard to deal with some of them sometimes;
  • Make sure that customers develop trust in their organization; and
  • Make their customers love their service so they can be assured of their repeat business and continuous patronage.

If you want this training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries to

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