Causal Loop

Developing a Competency Framework and using it to implement a holistic talent management Strategy is a challenging and worthwhile endeavor.  Utilizing a well-formed, well-written competency dictionary to profile positions leads to better-targeted recruitment, and placement, and using it to determine learning and development needs, and means for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions leads to more thoughtfully designed and delivered training. If performance management systems allow for the review of competencies, the company is able to establish the effectiveness of the other system such as the recruitment, and L&D systems. Having your recruitment, learning & development, and performance management aligned, will help you manage people’s careers and ready them for bigger roles in your company’s succession efforts.

A rigorously made competency-based system can greatly contribute to organizational performance and long-term growth. By rigorous we mean:

  1. Validated competency framework
  2. Strategically designed recruitment process and procedures
  3. A holistic talent development strategy that is not limited to classroom training
  4. A Performance Management System that is not limited to performance appraisal
  5. A career and succession management system that uses the inputs of the other talent development mechanism in identifying, developing, and evaluating readiness of employees for bigger roles in the organization.

ExeQserve Consultants offers over a decade of experience in formulating and implementing competency-based Talent Development and Management strategies to help you create an integrated system that paves the way for identifying, developing, and engaging employees and future leaders of the organization.

Our approach is born out of the lessons we learned from experience. We believe that systems like this can only work when all stakeholders have buy-in. This is the result of effective technology transfer and change management. Beyond our expertise in competency development is our ability to help you facilitate the change from your current HR system to the new one.


Important Note

Initiatives like this are best done in stages and with proper spacing of time so as not to overwhelm the stakeholders. ExeQserve proposes to conduct a readiness assessment so we can recommend a suitable timing for each program component.

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