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The mindset of global companies about Performance Management is changing. In its October 2016 article, “The Performance Management Revolution, Harvard Business Review reported that companies Adobe, Junifer Systems, Dell, Microsoft, Delloitte, Accenture and PwC, among others dumped their annual performance reviews and restructured their performance management system to allow for more frequent feedback and performance conversations.  Some of these companies have already reported positive outcomes due to the changes they made.

It’s about time we rethink our own way of managing employee performance. If you wish to continue doing annual performance appraisals, know that it is not enough to promote and sustain high performance.

All organizations face the challenge of directing the energies of their employees to the task of achieving organizational goals and objectives. In doing so, organizations need to devise means to influence and channel the behaviors of their employees so as to optimize their contributions. Performance management constitutes one of the major management tools employed in this process. This is based on the premise that an individual’s performance in a job is improved by having definite goals, feedback about their performance, and is complemented by an appropriate recognition and reward system.

‘exeQserve’, an HR and Training Consulting company that operates in the Philippines, offers the participants a clear view of what performance management is all about and how to utilize it in achieving organizational objectives. At the end of this workshop, the participants should be able to make better use of their company’s performance management system to improve employees’ performance.

  • Understanding Company’s Performance Management System and Policies
  • Performance goal setting mechanisms (KRA, KPI, Competencies)
  • Performance Monitoring techniques
  • Developing employee’s competencies through training and coaching
  • Appraising performance
  • Rewarding and recognizing performance.

If you want this Competency-based Performance Management Strategy Training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at

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