Course Rationale and Description

We all know resilience is an important trait. People mistake resilience for the ability to endure hardships. It’s more than that. Resilience is succeeding despite difficulties.  Successful people and companies are resilient.  Having resiliency allows people to come back from disappointment and failure more robust and more determined than ever to succeed! Resilience is not a permanent trait. It is not something that you are either lucky enough to be born with or unlucky enough to be lacking. Resilience can be developed in people of all ages; luckily, many methods can be applied.

This course is designed to help learners appreciate the concept of resilience and the factors that help in building people’s adversity stamina, ability to weather challenges, and quickly bounce back from failure.  We incorporated highly engaging activities that will help learners assess their locus of control, and their adversity quotient, and develop a personal action plan to increase resilience.  We incorporated both synchronous and asynchronous learning activities to help participants effectively contextualize the concepts in their everyday lives.

 Workshop Objectives:

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Explain the resiliency skills development framework
  • Define resilience and its domain
  • Appreciate the benefits of building one’s resilience
  • Identify Resiliency strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Explain the process of developing a resilient mindset and attitude
  • Enumerate tactics for strengthening resiliencies in 6 domains
  • Apply tactics for dealing with challenging situations at work


To ensure learner engagement and application of learning, offer the following:

  1. Preworkshop Session – Participants are oriented on the program scope, needed preparation, and application of learning. They are given a Learning Action Plan Template to help them document their lessons and plan applications.
  2. 4-hour highly engaging session – We utilize various methodologies to help the participants focus, and participate. They are also encouraged to write down their lessons in their learning journal to help them with the application of learning.
  3. Follow-up Session/ Coaching – We offer our coaching services to help learners in the application of learning. 1 session is free but if clients wish to have more, which is highly recommended, we have very attractive pricing.

If you want this Resilience Building Training for your team, call us today at 8459 9603 or email your inquiries at