The “Benefits” of Poor Communication

The title might be tongue-in-cheek, but the implications of not communicating effectively are far from humorous. Poor communication can have a cascading effect on various aspects of an organization, leading to disengagement, damaged relationships, and poor decision-making. Let’s explore some of the “benefits” of not communicating properly: Disengagement When communication is unclear or non-existent, employees…

Implementing Change: Overcoming Resistance to Traditional Practices

Change is often met with hesitation, especially in workplaces where traditional practices have long been the norm. Many employees, managers, and leaders find comfort in routines that have proven successful. However, this comfort can turn into resistance, particularly when new ideas or technologies are introduced. The Fear of Change One of the most significant barriers…

ExeQserve Welcomes Three New Powerhouse Training Consultants: Dennis, Ron, and Andoy

At ExeQserve, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier, customizable training solutions that drive growth and success for our clients. Our commitment to excellence has led us to bring on board three extraordinary professionals—Dennis Achilles G. Areño, Ronaldo Turla, and Andro Leo “Andoy” Beltran—each bringing a wealth of experience, industry knowledge, and a passion for people…