People Management

People Management Date Platform Rate March 16, 2023 Zoom Php 1,120   People are the most complex of all resources that a supervisor has to deal with. To work effectively with people, you must learn to adapt your style to a person’s current situation and disposition. This 3-hour session will equip supervisors with the knowledge…

Delegating and Empowering

Delegating & Empowering Date Platform Rate March 9, 2023 Zoom Php 1,120   When you empower your people, you delegate three things: Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability. This is something you don’t do automatically. You must prepare people for it, otherwise, you will be empowering incompetence. This session will equip supervisors with the necessary knowledge and…

Goal Setting and Action Planning

Goal Setting and Action Planning Date Platform Rate March 2, 2023 Zoom Php 1,120   Planning is the process of predetermining a course of action. It is one of the basic management functions which includes the formulation of one or more detailed plans to achieve an optimum balance of needs or demands with the available…

Building Teams

Building Teams Date Platform Rate February 23, 2023 Zoom Php 1,120   How can a Leader facilitate teamwork? A well-developed team, which may be the most flexible and competent tool known to organizations today, can benefit its organization in many ways. High-performing teams don’t start out the way they do. It takes time, energy, experience,…

Stepping Up to Leadership

Stepping Up to Leadership Date Platform Rate February 16, 2023 Zoom Php 1,120   When employees accept leadership or Supervisorial responsibilities, their roles change. Things become more challenging than before. Along with these changes, new ways of thinking and approaches are required. This session will help supervisors transition from being a follower to a leader.…

Service Culture Building Series

Service Culture Enhancement Online Workshop Series Service excellence is the fundamental outcome of a productive, successful organization and a motivated workforce. To achieve the higher levels of service, the people must be motivated to go that extra mile. They should embrace a service mindset and build lasting relationships with customers both internal and external. A…

Evaluating & Rewarding Performance

Published Rates are VAT inclusive Date Schedule Learning Investment April 7, 2022 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM 1,680 PHP Workshop Overview A performance appraisal session is perhaps one of the most dreaded and frustrating events in an employee’s year (or midterm or quarter depending on the frequency in your organization) The appraisal can be subjective,…

Developing the Capacity to Perform

Published Rates are VAT inclusive Date Schedule Learning Investment March 31, 2022 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM 1,680 PHP Workshop Overview The employees’ performance is limited by their capabilities. But capabilities can be developed with the thorough guidance of a supervisor or manager-mentor. In this session, we will share with you some techniques on how…

Performance Monitoring & Feedback

Published Rates are VAT inclusive Date Schedule Learning Investment March 24, 2022 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM 1,680 PHP Workshop Overview What gets measured gets managed. That’s easier said than done. Many performance management effort failures are caused by the manager’s failure to provide timely feedback on performance. In this session, we will teach you…

Business Model Canvas

A Step by Step Guide on Business Planning, Model Design, and Innovation Published Rates are VAT inclusive Date Schedule Learning Investment November 25, 2021 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM 2,240 PHP Workshop Overview Today’s competitive business environment makes it imperative for organizations to constantly improve their value proposition and align their business model towards relevance.…