ExeQserve conducted a 2-day Conversational English Training packed with highly engaging topics that aim to develop the conversational competence of the participants from Cobb Vantress Philippines, a poultry research company engaged in the development, production, and sale of broiler breeding stock.
“There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.”
Dale Carnegie
The learning event was held last August 15-16 and was facilitated by ExeQserve’s Grammar Police, Geraldine Cruz.
Conducting meaningful conversation requires both art and skill. Combining principles of grammar, style, and form, this workshop utilized experiential activities, mini-lectures and numerous drills and exercises. It provided the learners with a laboratory to apply and practice the theoretical knowledge presented. Mental and physical activities, quizzes, games, and role-playing drove home the learnings and provided the learners with a fun learning environment to help them communicate in everyday situations that require the use of business English.
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