Edwin is the founder and CEO of ExeQserve, Corporation, an HR Solutions Company. He is also the company’s head consultant for Organization Development and Human Resource Development. Ed developed his skills in training, recruitment, human resource management, organization development, and management consulting through twenty years of collective experience in the retail, financial, BPO and HR consulting business. Connect with him on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edebreo/

On Performance Appraisal, Promotion and Office Politics

Performance appraisal and promotion are important aspects of any organization’s HR processes. These processes help identify high performers and provide them with growth opportunities, while also addressing any performance issues. However, when it comes to promotions, there is often a perception that politics play a role, leading to undeserving employees being promoted over high performers.…

Training as Retention Strategy

As a training consultant, I notice a steady increase in companies inquiring about training with the intention of motivating employees to stay.  Sometimes this is the only reason for the training. When we ask them what their learning objectives are, they have no specific answer except we want the employees to appreciate that management takes…

The Urgency of Retraining Your Company Managers and Supervisors for Today’s Workers in the Philippines

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, it is crucial for companies in the Philippines to retrain their managers and supervisors to effectively lead and manage their teams, particularly when managing a workforce that is increasingly composed of Generation Z employees. Gen Z workers have different expectations and values compared to their Gen X and Millennial…

Positive Discipline: Why HR Needs to Change its Disciplining Tactics Today

Historically, disciplinary action in the workplace was viewed as a means to punish and control employees who broke established rules and regulations. However, as companies have begun to recognize the importance of creating a positive and productive work environment for their employees, this approach to discipline has become increasingly outdated. As a result, there has…

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Coaching

5 Reasons Why You are Not Coaching

Coaching is a valuable talent development skill. Anyone who possesses this skill can help others enhance their capacity to perform, address personal and professional hindrances, and help facilitate the development of others, potentials. Developing one’s coaching skills is one of the most important investments one can make in strengthening one’s leadership capabilities.  Despite all the…