Edwin is the founder and CEO of ExeQserve, Corporation, an HR Solutions Company. He is also the company’s head consultant for Organization Development and Human Resource Development.
Ed developed his skills in training, recruitment, human resource management, organization development, and management consulting through twenty years of collective experience in the retail, financial, BPO and HR consulting business.
Connect with him on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edebreo/
Making effective hiring decisions is crucial for any organization’s success. Hiring decision-makers hold the responsibility of selecting the right candidates who will contribute to the company’s growth and productivity. However, in the hiring process, decision-makers often make mistakes that can have significant consequences. Let’s discuss five common mistakes made by hiring decision-makers and provide insights…
Receiving feedback can be challenging, especially when it feels critical or hurtful. However, the way we perceive, and handle feedback greatly affects our personal and professional growth. The key lies in taking feedback objectively and constructively, regardless of the giver’s intention. Remember what Ken Blanchard said. “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” You can’t improve…
Leadership is often associated with guiding and inspiring others toward a shared vision. However, what many overlook is that the first and most critical aspect of leadership begins with oneself. Before you can effectively lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself. In this article, we will explore the four essential components of self-leadership:…
As I reflect on my experience as a manager, I recall a time when I advocated for salary increases for my team members outside of the regular performance appraisal and merit increase season. Surprisingly, my requests were often granted. This success can be attributed to my approach of showcasing the enhanced value that my staff…
Failure. It’s a word that carries a heavy weight, evoking fear and uncertainty in the hearts of many. We’ve all heard about the importance of overcoming this fear, but let’s dig deeper into the topic. Is there a better way to view failure? Should we be afraid of it? The answer may surprise you. When…
The quick answer is YES! What kind of service culture they are shaping and what can be done to align it with the organization’s desire to make customers happy is the focus of this article. In today’s competitive business landscape, customer experience has become a critical factor in shaping the success of any organization. While…
Maintaining workplace discipline is essential to ensure a productive and professional work environment. Companies in the Philippines often orient their employees on company policies and procedures and schedule disciplinary actions to maintain discipline. However, this approach may not always be effective and can even lead to a toxic workplace culture. In this article, we will…
Teamwork has always been an essential aspect of achieving success in any area of life. We’ve all heard of that saying that goes, there’s no I in team. It connotes that team members should not be selfish, and should subordinate their personal interests to the shared interest of the team. It is a reminder of…
The great resignation, quiet quitting, low employee engagement, and the changing workplace dynamics brought about by the difference in values and expectations of Gen X, Y, and Zs. The need for HR to be a strategic partner has become so critical that being a stuck HR is not only bad but also dangerous to the…
Nope, it does not include the lack of skills. That’s the easiest barrier to address. When we talk about the barriers to leadership, we are not referring to the technical skills required to lead a team. Instead, we are talking about the psychological and emotional barriers that prevent individuals from becoming effective leaders. In this…