Candidate “Ghosting”: Understanding the Causes and Strategies for Prevention

In the Philippine job market, recruiters are increasingly facing the challenge of “ghosting” — when candidates abruptly cease communication without explanation. This issue not only disrupts the hiring process but also reflects on the company’s ability to attract and retain the right talent. To address this, companies must delve into the reasons behind ghosting and…

Performance Appraisal is Not Performance Management

In the corporate world of the Philippines, a common misconception prevails, equating performance management with performance appraisal. However, this view is limited and misses the broader scope of performance management. While performance appraisal is a significant component, it is not the entirety of performance management. The Role of Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is often seen…

Why Teamwork is Not Enough

In my more than two decades as an organizational and talent development consultant, I’ve seen many teams operate under the notion that teamwork is the key to success. While elements like trust, open communication, commitment to goals, individual accountability, and focus on results are crucial, they don’t always guarantee triumph. Let’s delve into why this…